Advanced Custom Fields: Archive Templates Advanced Custom Fields: Archive Templates

Advanced Custom Fields: Archive Templates

Created by: Imark Image

Downloaded: 10k times

ACF Archives is a little plugin for helping you attach ACF fields to the archive template.
The plugin will add a submenu for each public custom post type with archive defined
and then you can select under ACF rules box.

Want to add or remove the submenu for other custom post types?

Here is a code example you can add to to your theme functions.php

    add_filter( 'acf_archive_post_types', 'change_acf_archive_cpt' );
    function change_acf_archive_cpt( $cpts ) {
        // 'book' and 'movie' are the cpt key.

        // Remove cpt
        unset( $cpts['book'] );

        // Add cpt
        $cpts['movie'] = Movies Archive;

        return $cpts;

Get the acf field on archive page

    $object = get_queried_object();
    $field = get_field( 'field_name', $object->name );

    var_dump( $field );

From within WordPress

  1. Visit ‘Plugins > Add New’
  2. Search for ‘acf archive’
  3. Activate ACF Archive from your Plugins page.


  1. Upload the acf-archive folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the ACF Archive plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


  • New Archive ACF rule under ACF rules
  • ACF Archive menu page under each custom post type with archive enabled.


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