ACF Feeds for Gravity Forms ACF Feeds for Gravity Forms

ACF Feeds for Gravity Forms

Created by: Alex Chernov

Downloaded: 1k times

Use this plugin to update an ACF field(s) when Gravity Form is submitted. You also can accumulate value in a certain field (only fields of type Number supported at the moment).


  • Target a wide range of WP entities: page, post, custom post, user, term, taxonomy, widget, comment, options page, current page/post.
  • Use GF merge tags in the ACF Target field
  • Simply map ACF and GF fields in one-to-one, one-to-many or many-to-many relations
  • Use operations on ACF fields to modify currently stored values
  • Number fields support +, – and * math operations
  • All text compatible fields support + operation to join strings
  • ACF field targets support merge tags
  • Implement complex logic with conditional feeds

Any GF field compatible with string/number values should work. Tested GF fields: Single line text, Paragraph Text, Drop Down, Number, Checkboxes, Radio Buttons, Website, Email.
Any ACF field compatible with string/number values should work. Tested ACF fields: Text, Text Area, Number, Range, Email, Url, Password, Select, Checkbox, Radio Button, Button Group, True / False

Example use cases:

  • Count number of submissions
  • Remember name/login/email of the last user who submitted the form
  • Make a simple page like feature
  • Save name of a last sold product


  • Complex feed example: dynamic target, add & subtract accumulators, conditional feed
  • Simple feed example: Likes counter accumulator. GF settings prevent multiple likes from a single user


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