ACF: Google Font Selector ACF: Google Font Selector

ACF: Google Font Selector

Created by: Daniel Pataki

Downloaded: 17k times

This plugin allows you to create a Google font selector field with different options. The plugin also creates the font request in the theme header to autoload the fonts if you’d like. Font variants and charsets can be selected separately to make font loading more flexible and optimized.

Font options added to any options page will always be enqueued. Any fonts added to post pages will only be enqueued when that specific post is displayed.

Google API Key

To grab the font list from Google you’ll need an API key. This is free and easy to do, take a look at this guide to get an API key.

ACF Compatibility

This ACF field type is compatible with both ACF 4 and ACF 5.



Once installed the list of Google Fonts will be retrieved from a static file included in the plugin. If you would like the list to be pulled from the Google API you will need to define your API key. You can do this in Settings->Google Font Selector in the admin.

For Developers

There are a few more advanced controls you can set to make the plugin do your bidding. If you would like to hard-code the API key and disable users from seeing the nag screen and setting panel you can define the ACFGFS_API_KEY constant.

define( 'ACFGFS_API_KEY', 'your_google_api_key' );

The ACFGFS_REFRESH constant can controls how frequently the plugin checks the Google API for updates. The value is in seconds, 86400 would be a day. The default is set to 7 days.

define( 'ACFGFS_REFRESH', 259200 );

If you would like to disable the automatic enqueueing of fonts you can use the ACFGFS_NOENQUEUE constant. The fonts are only enqueued automatically when this constant is not defined. Define the constant to disable enqueueing.

define( 'ACFGFS_NOENQUEUE', true );

If you want to modify the fonts that are loaded on a page you can use the acfgfs/enqueued_fonts filter. This should return an array of fonts with variants and subsets needed, something like this:

    'font' => 'Open Sans',
    'variants' => array( 'regular', '700' ),
    'subsets' => array( 'latin' )

New in 3.0.1 is the ability to control the fonts displayed in the dropdown. If you only want to give your users access to a smaller portion of Google fonts you can use the acfgfs/font_dropdown_array filter to modify the array that is used to generate the dropdown. Please return an array where the key and the value are both the names of the font.

add_filter( 'acfgfs/font_dropdown_array', 'my_font_list' );
function my_font_list( $fonts ) {
    $fonts = array(
        'Raleway' => 'Raleway',
        'Lato' => 'Lato'
    return $fonts;


  • ACF control for field creation
  • The user-facing font settings


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