ACF Timber Integration

Created by: Dream Production

Downloaded: 5k times

This plugin is intended for developers that are using Advanced Custom Fields and Timber to develop their themes.

By enabling this plugin the user-defined advanced custom fields will be available in the Timber context variable as follows:

  • Fields defined for settings pages will be available everywhere under the “options” key
  • Fields defined for posts, pages and custom post types will be available on the \Timber\Post object under the “fields” key
  • Fields defined for terms will be available on the \Timber\Term object under the “fields” key
  • Fields defined for users will be available on the \Timber\User object under the “fields” key

  • Defined menus will also be available everywhere under the “menus” key

Also adds twig functions for images:

  • srcset – used to generate srcset attribute tag.
    Usage: <img src="{{ post.thumbnail.src('large') }}" {{ srcset(post.thumbnail,'large') }} />
  • image_attr – used to generate srcset, width, height and alt.
    Usage: <img src="{{ post.thumbnail.src('large') }}" {{ image_attr(post.thumbnail,'large') }} />



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