Advanced Custom Fields: Typography Field Advanced Custom Fields: Typography Field

Advanced Custom Fields: Typography Field

Created by: Mujahid Ishtiaq

Downloaded: 32k times

Typography field type for “Advanced Custom Fields” plugin that lets you add different text properties e.g. Font Size, Font Family, Font Color etc.

Supported Subfields

  • Font Size
  • Font Family
  • Font Weight
  • Font Style
  • Font Variant
  • Font Stretch
  • Line Height
  • Letter Spacing
  • Text Align
  • Text Color
  • Text Decoration
  • Text Transform

Other Features

  • Supports Google Fonts. The selected Google Fonts are automatically enqueued on front-end of posts/pages. Google Fonts also work with ACF Options.
  • Supports Gutenberg Blocks created with ACF.
  • Option to show/hide each subfield individually
  • Option to make each subfield required individually
  • Color Picker for Text Color subfield


// Returns the value of a specific property
get_typography_field( $selector, $property, [$post_id], [$format_value] );

// Displays the value of a specific property
the_typography_field( $selector, $property, [$post_id], [$format_value] );

// Returns the value of a specific property from a sub field.
get_typography_sub_field( $selector, $property, [$format_value] );

// Displays the value of a specific property from a sub field.
the_typography_sub_field( $selector, $property, [$format_value] );


[acf_typography field="field-name" property="font_size" post_id="123" format_value="1"]

Github repository



This ACF field type is compatible with:
* Free and paid versions of the ACF plugin


  • <p>Typography Field Settings</p>
  • <p>Typography Field Content Editing</p>
  • <p>Google Key Field required for Google Fonts</p>


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