This plugin automatically extracts H tags (headlines) in the article and automatically inserts Google Adsense ad codes before the first H tag, before H tags and at the end of the article.

You can specify the number of characters between ads and automatically insert the ad codes at just the right interval. This plugin can be used easily by a wide range of users, from beginners to advanced users.
In addition, article display can be speeded up by lazy loading of ad codes, and the Adsense auto ad code and Google Analytics code can be inserted into the header as well.

If you already put ad codes using short codes into articles, you can easily replace them with specifying short codes of this plugin.

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  • Automatically inserts an ad code before the first headline (H tag) in the article.
  • Automatically inserts ad codes before headlines (H tags) in the article.
  • Automatically inserts an ad code at the bottom of the article
  • You can choose to insert ads into posts, pages, or both of them.
  • You can specify the upper limit of the number of ads in the article to insert automatically.
  • You can specify headlines to insert ads before them, only H2 tag or all H tags (H2-H6).
  • You can specify the interval between automatically inserted ads by the number of characters (eg, insert an ad when it exceeds 1000 characters between ads.)
  • Multiple ad codes can be set, and you can select which ad code to insert before the first headline, before headlines in the article, or at the end of the article.
  • Google AdSense display ad, in-article ad, and multiplex ads can be selected.
  • Top and bottom margins of ads, centering ads and labels above the ads also can be set.
  • Ad codes can be manually inserted into articles using shortcodes
  • If you have already placed an ad using shortcodes, this plugin can replace them with ads set in the plugin automatically.
  • Lazy loading of Adsense ad codes is also available.
  • About lazy loading, desktop display can be disabled ( or enable only for mobile and tablet ).
  • About lazy loading, you can specify the number of seconds until loading automatically.
  • You can insert the AdSense auto ad code into the header automatically by its setting.
  • About Adsense auto ad, you can specify to exclude posts or pages.
  • Google Analytics code can be insert automatically into the header as well.
  • Access control can be used: automatically inserts ad cords only for users with administrator role.
  • You can also customize the settings for an article at the bottom of the edit screen.

Check the following pages for more details.
Official page


  • Plugin setting screen (general setting): General settings such as selections of ad codes and ad display target. Basically this plugin can work once this settings are done.
  • Plugin setting screen (general setting): Adsense ad code setting part in the general setting.
  • Plugin setting screen (advanced setting): Settings used when you want to do more detailed settings.
  • Plugin setting screen (option): Adsense ads lazy loading and Adsense auto ad settings.
  • Plugin setting screen (optional): Google Analytics code insertion settings.
  • Plugin setting screen (Language, etc.): Language, Access control and debug mode settings. Access control works only for logged-in users, and ad codes are inserted only to users with administrator role. The debug mode is to show the plugin information and let you check ad insertions visually when articles are previewed.
  • Article individual setting: Unique settings for each articles in the edit screen.


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