Add Meta Tag Keywords Add Meta Tag Keywords

Add Meta Tag Keywords

Created by: Hema Rawat

Downloaded: 7k times

The plugin allows you to add Meta Tag keywords for posts, pages or basically any custom post type. The Meta Keywords are important words or phrases that people are likely to search for to find your content. IT is used by search engines, and it is considered good practice to have it in your HTML head section. Some SEO plugins and articles suggest that Meta Keywords are irrelevant in today’s times. However, it’s still good practice to have them.

Meta keywords may also improve your website’s SEO ranking. This means more traffic, leads, and sales for your business.

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You may add any other famous SEO plugin and install this as well alongside it. If the other plugin already provides the feature to add Meta Keywords, then you don’t need this plugin.

Add Meta Tag Keywords Features:
*Enter different keywords for each page or post.
*Add multiple keywords for each page. Add as many as you’d like.
*Press “Enter” or “Return”, or the “comma” key on your keyword before saving the post and it will be saved as the post’s meta keyword
*Add keywords in any language.

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Short Description

Add Meta Tag keywords for posts, pages and any custom post type. Metadata tag name = “keywords” is used by search engines for SEO. Some SEO plugins consider it as irrelevant but its good practice to have keywords mentioned in your webpages’ Metadata regardless.


Supporting Languages:-

That is, all major languages are supported.

Redirect any query or report any bug you may find at: Epiphany Infotech


  • The first screenshot (Screenshot-1.png) shows where the input box will appear in the post or page editor.
  • The second screenshot (Screenshot-2.png) shows the page source and how it will appear in the head section.


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