Add Pinterest conversion tags for Pinterest Ads +  Site verification Add Pinterest conversion tags for Pinterest Ads +  Site verification

Add Pinterest conversion tags for Pinterest Ads + Site verification

Created by: Pagup

Downloaded: 19k times


The Pinterest conversion tags plugin allows to add strategically your Pinterest TAG ID on all your webpages (with the base code). No need to edit your theme files!

The simple interface of the Pinterest conversion Tags plugin gives you one place where you can insert your TAG ID.

Also, you can easily add your Pinterest meta tag verification code to claim your site with Pinterest.


The Pinterest conversion tags plugin allows you to create EVENTS on specific pages thanks to our Event META BOX feature available on each page.

You can now define a conversion event by a specific action someone takes on your website, like signing up for your newsletter or buying a product.

This plugin allows you to get conversion reporting for 8 types of activity on your website:

  • PageVisit: Record views of primary pages, such as product pages and article pages
  • iewCategory: Record views of category pages
  • Search: Record searches on your website
  • AddToCart: Record when items are added to shopping carts
  • Checkout: Record completed transactions
  • WatchVideo: Record video views
  • Signup: Record sign ups for your products or services
  • Lead: Record interest in product or service

Add-to-cart, Search & Checkout Events are directly managed on settings page while all others are managed via our Event META BOX.

Once the codes are added, give it 5 minutes and then confirm in Pinterest Conversion Manager that the tags are properly implemented.

See the full implementation guide for more information.


Click into your Pinterest Tag at On the left you’ll see a section for ‘Tag Event History’. Here you’ll see all event codes you’ve successfully added. Next to the event code you’ll see how many times we’ve seen the tag fire in the last 24 hours as well as the timestamp of the most recent event fire in UTC time. The data in the tag event history is updated every 5 minutes.

What you should know :

  • Give your campaigns a little room. As with any conversion based campaign, they need time to learn. This means you might initially see CPCs and CTRs that are a little out of line with what you normally see.

  • If you’re able to, for the initial learning phase, increase your bids slightly over where you would normally set them to help give Pinterest the space it needs to learn and optimize. You can always scale back later.

  • Always test more than one pin, but preferably 3-5 pins per ad set.

  • If/when you make changes, make small adjustments incrementally. Meaning, you can’t go crazy to try to scale efforts that are going well because you’ll throw off the algorithms and your results might not scale the way you want them too.

  • Pinterest’s new visual search tool is a great way to help Pinners find your brand and products. Be sure the images in any product-focused Pins are clear and concise, increasing your chances that they’ll  be featured in visual searches for similar items and photos.

  • Triple check that your conversion tag is placed on the right page––if you are tracking purchases, the tag needs to be on your order confirmation page, not the product page.

  • No matter what vertical your brand falls into, choosing a stylized “voice” for your photos and sticking with it will ensure that your pins are consistent and coordinated––which will improve your brand experience across desktop and mobile.

  • While keeping current trends in mind, be sure that you are also mindful of which gender you are targeting. Whether you are trying to reach males or females (or both), Pinterest released recent data on what each gender has been searching for.


  • Pctags - Pinterest conversion tags Settings Page
  • Pctags - Pinterest conversion tags Settings Page


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