WebberZone Snippetz – Header, Body and Footer manager WebberZone Snippetz – Header, Body and Footer manager

WebberZone Snippetz – Header, Body and Footer manager

Created by: Ajay D'Souza

Downloaded: 73k times

Do you want to customize your site with code but don’t want to edit your theme files or worry about losing your changes when you switch themes? Do you want to add analytics, site verification, custom CSS, or any other code to your site without using multiple plugins? Do you want to have full control over where and when your code snippets are displayed on your site?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then WebberZone Snippetz is the perfect plugin for you!

WebberZone Snippetz (formerly Add to All) is a simple, yet powerful plugin that will allow you to create and manage custom snippets of HTML, CSS or JS code and add them to your header, footer, content or feed. You can also choose where and when to display your snippets based on various criteria such as post IDs, post types, categories, tags, and more.

WebberZone Snippetz comes with out of the box support for Google Analytics, Statcounter and Tynt. Additionally, it supports site verification for Google, Bing and Pinterest via their HTML tag methods.

WebberZone Snippetz also enhances your site’s feed with a copyright notice and a link to the post. Plus, it comes with tons of actions and filters to extend its functionality.

Here are some of the key features of WebberZone Snippetz:

  • Create custom snippets with HTML, CSS or JS code
  • Add snippets to your header, footer, content or feed
  • Choose where and when to display your snippets based on post IDs, post types, categories, tags, and more
  • Support for Google Analytics, Statcounter and Tynt
  • Site verification for Google, Bing and Pinterest
  • No need to edit theme files or lose changes when switching themes

WebberZone Snippetz is the ultimate snippet manager for WordPress users who want to customize their site with code. Download it today and see the difference!
WebberZone Snippetz is one of the many plugins developed by WebberZone. Check out our other plugins:

  • Contextual Related Posts – Display related posts on your WordPress blog and feed
  • Top 10 – Track daily and total visits on your blog posts and display the popular and trending posts
  • Knowledge Base – Create a knowledge base or FAQ section on your WordPress site
  • Better Search – Enhance the default WordPress search with contextual results sorted by relevance
  • Auto-Close – Automatically close comments, pingbacks and trackbacks and manage revisions


  • Snippets Manager
  • General Options
  • 3rd Party Options
  • Header Options
  • Content Options
  • Footer Options
  • Feed Options


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