Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce

Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce

Created by: RedNao

Downloaded: 148k times

With extra product options builder for woocommerce you get more fields/features than any other, and we keep adding more every week. If you don’t find how to do something let us know and we will work on adding it.


  • A bunch of fields at your disposal

    • Text Box: Add one line of text (Demo)
    • Multiple Box: Add multiple lines of text (Demo)
    • Radio: Select from a list using radio buttons (Demo)
    • Checkbox: Select one or many options from a list (Demo)
    • Paragraph: Add additional text to the product (Demo)
    • Divider: Separate the extra product fields in sections (Demo)
    • Datepicker: Select a date from a calendar (Demo)
    • Masked Field: Allow to input text in a predefined format (Demo)
    • Color Picker: Select a color form a dropdown (Demo)
    • Slider: Slider control (Demo)
    • Range: Similar to slider but with multiple indicators (Demo)
    • Button Selector: Select from a list of options (Demo)
    • Switch: Turn on/off control (Demo)
    • Signature: Signature control (Demo)
    • Item Swatcher: Select from a list of colors (Demo)
    • Term of Service: Add a term of service checkbox (Demo)
    • Google Maps: Pick address using google maps (Demo)
    • Textual Image: Dynamically add text to an image (Demo)
    • Size Chart: Display a table, each row can be configured with a different price if needed (Demo)
  • Conditional logic: Show or hide using conditions, like when a variation is selected or when another field has an specific value (Demo)

  • More than 1500 icons to style your fields: Make your fields look great and easy to fill with your own icons or images (Demo)

Premium Features

  • There is also a premium version that has more fields
    • List: Add a list that can be increased or decreased by the user (Demo)
    • Group Panel: Create sub sections and display a sub total in each of them (Demo)
    • Pop Up: Add a button that will display the configured fields in a pop up (Demo)
    • Repeater: Create a list of fields that can be repeater with a buttons (Demo)
    • File Upload: Upload files (Demo)
    • Hidden: Hiden field that is not visible by the user but can be seen in the order dashboard
    • Image Picker: Select one or many items from a list of images (Demo)
    • Daterange: Create a field that can do calculations between two dates (Demo)
    • Searchable dropdown: Create a dropdown that can be filtered, this dropdown can also include images (Demo)
    • Collapsible Panel: A panel that can collapse fields inside it (Demo)
    • Text With Styles: Let users style a text (Demo)
    • Likert with scale: Create a likert scale line (Demo)
    • Survey: Add a survey table to your product (Demo)
    • Group Button: Add selectable buttons ([Demo}(https://demos.rednao.com/productbuilder/product/group-button/))
    • Rating: Add a rating field (Demo)
    • Image Condition: Change the product image depending on a condition. (Demo)
    • Formulas: Change the product image depending on a condition.
    • Global Product Options: Add options to all the products that match a condition defined by you
  • Custom Validations: Create your own validations (Demo)

Latest Tutorials

= Creating multi-price options =
Learn how to create fields with dynamic prices

How to add extra options to hundreds of WooCommerce products


Learn how to apply extra options in bulk to products that match a criteria (for example to products that belongs to a specific category)

Creating Fees

Couldn’t add the extra product option that you needed? Let us know! we are eager to improve the plugin even more =) Contact Us

Latest Tutorials

Introduction to the front end api
For developers. Learn how to use the api to fill a text box or check a box programmatically.


  • Different fields to select
  • Conditional logic ready
  • Arrange multiple items without issues using the alignment tools


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