Admin Title Check Admin Title Check

Admin Title Check

Created by: DivSpark

Downloaded: 1k times

Admin Title Check adds additional title checking functionality to the title field in the admin’s classic editor add and edit post pages. Typing 4 or more characters into the title field will trigger the title check. Any published (including privately) posts, pages and custom post type titles with exact or similar titles will be shown.

Prevent Duplicate Titles

Showing whether the title has been used by other posts and pages prevents duplicate titles (therefore may include duplicate slugs) from being added.

Find Similar Titles

Use existing posts’ titles to help craft a new one.


The title check is simple to use: just start typing in a title into the title field while adding or editing a post. Exact and similar titles will be shown.


  • Showing exact and similar titles while adding a post
  • Showing just similar titles while adding a page
  • Hovering over one of the similar titles


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