Advanced Control Manager for WordPress by ItalyStrap Advanced Control Manager for WordPress by ItalyStrap

Advanced Control Manager for WordPress by ItalyStrap

Created by: Enea Overclokk

Downloaded: 2k times

You MUST always do a backup before install it and always test it in a dev environment.

If you have any trouble open a ticket.

If you have any feature requests or code issue open a ticket on github.

ItalyStrap will add powerful features to your WordPress site.

Advanced Control Manager is also on GitHub.


I developed this plugin with many features because I need them in all sites created for my clients, it also extends the ItalyStrap Theme Frameworks functionality, but it works fine with all WordPress themes.

Think about Advanced Control Manager like a Jetpack with many functionality that make your site more powerful and extensible, for example: Lazy load for image with srcset support, widget and shortcode for Twitter Bootstrap Carousel (with lazy load support), widget for displaying lists of posts type with a lot of options like popular posts, last posts, related posts and so on, there are a lot of functionality, see above for the full list of featured.

This plugin is fully developed in OOP. It utilizes DI Container, Dependency Injection, Polymorphism, Inheritance, etc.
If you are a developer you can extend it with his API (Dev docs coming soon).

Skills required

Some functionalities need to be personalized with lines of code, for example if you use the new widget for displaying posts you have to add your own CSS style to make it look like your site (you can add it in ACM > settings > Style > Custom CSS or in your theme style.css), I’m working on building some basic code snippets and documentation, but I need a lot of time to do it, please be patient with me :-).

Advanced Control Manager will always be free

This is my thanks for what WordPress has given to me.

Get involved

If you want to contribute click here do a fork and do a pull request to the Dev branch ๐Ÿ™‚

Want to try the beta functionality?

To do so you can add define( 'ITALYSTRAP_BETA', true ); to your wp-config.php file, REMEMBER that you have to do this in a development enviroment, do not do this in a production site and do always a backup.

Features included:

General feature

  • Show Post Type IDs in edit screen
  • Show Post Type thumbnails in edit screen
  • Remove Emojis
  • Social Sharing Button {Only for Beta tester}
  • Web font loading (Google fonts and font lazy loading) {Only for Beta tester}
  • ItalyStrap theme hook (Only for ItalyStrap Theme Framework)
  • ItalyStrap theme hooked callable (Only for ItalyStrap Theme Framework)


  • Widget Areas custom {Only for Beta tester and for ItalyStrap Theme Framework}
  • Widget Visibility
  • HTML attributes for widget (You can add a css ID and class to widget)
  • HTML in Widget Title
  • Remove widget title
  • Posts Widget (Display loops of post with many options)
  • Grouped Posts Widget (Posts grouped by taxonomy) {Only for Beta tester}
  • Carousel Widget (Only for Twitter Bootstrap Carousel with many options. It will not include the files for you, so if they are not present, the carousel will not work.)
  • vCard Widget (Display vCard with
  • Image Widget {{BETA VERSION}}
  • Breadcrumbs Widget with markup {{BETA VERSION}}
  • Facebook Page Widget {{BETA VERSION}}
  • TinyMCE Editor Widget {{BETA VERSION}}
  • Monster Widget by ItalyStrap {{Only for debug}}


  • Do ShortCode in Widget Text
  • Shortcode for Media Carousel (Only for Twitter Bootstrap Carousel with many options. It will not include the files for you, so if they are not present, the carousel will not work.)
  • Posts Shortcode (Display loops of post with many options)


  • Activate Custom CSS (This will give you the possibility to add custom css style and css Body/Post class for entire site and for single post type)
  • Custom CSS (Textarea for custom css)
  • Body Class (css class)
  • Post Class (css class)


  • Activate Google Analytics (Insert the universal Google Analytics code)
  • Add Google Analytics ID
  • Anonymize Google Analytics IP
  • Google Analytics position


  • Activate excerpt more mods
  • Read more link text
  • Read more CSS class
  • Auto-generated Excerpt length
  • Excerpt ends with punctuation
  • Read more position


  • Jpeg quality
  • Lazy Loading of images
  • Custom Placeholder for image lazyloading
  • Lazy Loading of embedded video

  • Breadcrumbs Make your WordPress site SEO friendly with Breadcrumbs and and get Google rich snippet in SERP, fully customizable for your purpose (ItalyStrap breadcrumbs class is 10 times faster than Yoast Breadcrumbs ๐Ÿ˜‰ ).

  • LazyLoad Lazy load images to improve page load times and server bandwidth. Images are loaded only when visible to the user. This functionality is forked from lazy-load plugin with my improvements. It also works with ItalyStrap Bootstrap Carousel, srcset and sizes.

  • Local Business A simple Widget to add Local business in your widgetized themes (sidebar, footer, …)
    This widget will add microdata information about your site for SEO purposes.
    This widget was present in my ItalyStrap theme framework forked from Roots theme with some improvements of mine, now I’ve done more improvements thank to this tool shared from Luca Bove on google plus.

  • Posts Widget This adds a widget for displaying posts with a lot of options, you can create a related posts, posts from any taxonomies, pages, and mmore, in a future release you have also the power to change the template.

  • Custom Style Now you can add your custom style in single page or in the entire site, you can also add custom css class and ID attribute in single page or in the site.

  • Google Analytics You can add Google Analytics snippet to your theme, this is a simple functionality that add the GA snippet to wp_footer hook

  • And many more


  • English: default, always included.
  • Italian: Italiano, sempre incluso.
  • German: Deutsch – immer dabei!
  • French: Franรงais, toujours inclus.

Note: This plugins is localized/ translatable by default. This is very important for all users worldwide. So please contribute your language to the plugin to make it even more useful. For translating I recommend the awesome “Codestyling Localization” plugin and for validating the “Poedit Editor”.

Additional Info

Idea Behind / Philosophy: A plugin for improve and add some powerful improvement to your site. I’ll try to add more features if it makes some sense. So stay tuned :).





  • Default breadcrumbs (With Bootstrap CSS)
  • Custom breadcrumbs (With Bootstrap CSS)
  • Breadcrumbs in page (With Bootstrap CSS)
  • Gallery in admin dashboard
  • Gallery with new Carousel functionality
  • Gallery shortcode with type="carousel" for Bootstrap Carousel
  • Example of Carousel in article page (740x370)
  • Example of Lazy Loading for image
  • Advanced Control Manager Local Business widget in admin panel
  • Advanced Control Manager Local Business widget in widgetized themes (sidebar, footer, ...)
  • Advanced Control Manager Local Business widget HTML markup example
  • Advanced Control Manager admin settings
  • Advanced Control Manager admin settings
  • Advanced Control Manager admin settings
  • Advanced Control Manager admin settings
  • Advanced Control Manager admin settings


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