Advanced Posts Listing – Show Post List Easily Advanced Posts Listing – Show Post List Easily

Advanced Posts Listing – Show Post List Easily

Created by: flippercode

Downloaded: 2k times

Advanced Posts Listing is a Gutenberg block plugin that enables site administrators to create & display visually appealing blog posts listing or custom post type listing effortlessly right from the Gutenberg editor. This plugin provides five beautiful and responsive design / layouts for the listing. Site admins can choose custom post type from block properties & listing will be created accordingly with a live preview. This plugin also allows site admins to filter the custom post listing by taxonomy, terms and other criterias. The infomation displayed inside the listing record is also manageable from block properties.

Try it Now

Explore the Advanced Posts Listing in the WordPress playground without any installation. Try Advanced Posts Listing

Contact Dedicated Support team for setup configurations needs or for any other assistance.

Features List

  • Five beautiful & responsive blog post listing designs.
  • Numeric pagination support for every layout. Manageable settings for pagination.
  • Supports custom post type listing
  • Displays blog post listings
  • Compatible with popular custom post type plugins. e,g Advanced Custom Fields (acf plugin)
  • Lists posts, pages, and custom post types
  • Filter posts by categories
  • Filter posts by tags
  • Filter custom post types by taxonomies
  • Include only some specific posts/custom posts by comma separated ids.
  • Exclude some particular posts by comma separated ids to be dislayed in output.
  • Sort listings by date (ascending/descending)
  • Alphabetical sorting (A-Z, Z-A)
  • Live preview of listings in Gutenberg
  • Customizable listing display
  • Easy block properties configuration
  • Manageable row and column gaping for Grid, Masanory & Overlay layout.
  • Display post titles
  • Show post excerpts
  • Include post featured images
  • Display post authors
  • Show post dates
  • Show/hide post titles
  • Show/hide post content
  • Show/hide post excerpts
  • Show/hide meta data like dates
  • Show/hide categories
  • Show/hide tags
  • Show/hide featured images
  • Customize the number of posts per listing
  • Pagination for long listings
  • Responsive design for mobile and desktop
  • SEO-friendly post listings
  • Lightweight and fast-loading
  • Compatible with all WordPress themes
  • User-friendly interface
  • Regular updates and support

So this plugin supports a wide range of custom post types and offers extensive filtering options, including categories, tags, and custom taxonomies. Certain posts can also be included or excluded via id from the output. This flexibility ensures that your posts list is tailored to meet your specific needs. Additionally, the posts block can be sorted by date or alphabetically, giving you full control over how your content is presented. Enhance your WordPress site with a post list block that is both functional and visually appealing with maximum flexiblity.


  • Advanced Posts Listing can be found under Widgets category when you click on plus icon to add Gutenberg block on the page.
  • Once Advanced Posts Listing is selected from widgets section, it will quickly create a beautiful blog post listing for you.
  • You can change the post type to be listed or you can modify the other configurable settings of listing as per your requirements.
  • You can control what post content you need to display on frontend. Its for more advanced controlling.
  • Output of the Advanced Posts Listing block plugin on frontend using WordPress's default Twenty Twenty-two theme.
  • Grid layout preview in backend Gutenberg editor.
  • Grid layout block output on frontend.
  • Masanory layout preview in backend Gutenberg editor.
  • Masanory layout block output on frontend.
  • Overlay layout preview in backend Gutenberg editor.
  • Overlay layout block output on frontend.
  • Slider layout preview in backend Gutenberg editor.
  • Slider layout block output on frontend.
  • New layout settings in the backend
  • Pagination settings in the backend


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