Advanced Settings Advanced Settings

Advanced Settings

Created by: Arthur Ronconi

Downloaded: 28k times

This is an essential plugin for your WordPress websites.

New Features

  • New admin page: Scripts
  • New admin page: Styles
  • Remove type=”text/javascript” attribute from <script> tag
  • Track and list enqueued scripts/styles
  • Merge and include removed scripts/styles
  • Load merged removed scripts in footer
  • Load merged removed styles

Post types

  • Manage/create/edit
  • Add supports: title, editor, author, thumbnail, excerpt, trackbacks, custom fields, comments, revisions, page attributes, etc.
  • Configure: hierarchical, has_archive, query_var, show_in_menu, show_ui, publicly_queryable, public, etc.
  • Taxonomies: category, post_tag


  • Fix incorrect Facebook thumbnails including OG metas
  • Hide top admin menu
  • Automatically add a FavIcon (whenever there is a favicon.ico or favicon.png file in the template folder)
  • Add a description meta tag using the blog description (SEO)
  • Add description and keywords meta tags in each posts (SEO)
  • Remove header WordPress generator meta tag
  • Remove header WLW Manifest meta tag (Windows Live Writer link)
  • Remove header RSD (Weblog Client Link) meta tag
  • Remove header shortlink meta tag
  • Configure site title to use just the wp_title() function (better for hardcode programming)
  • Limit the excerpt length
  • Add a read more link after excerpt
  • Remove wptexturize filter
  • Remove Trackbacks and Pingbacks from Comment Count
  • Insert author bio in each post
  • Allow HTML in user profile
  • Compress all HTML code
  • Remove HTML comments (it’s don’t remove conditional IE comments like: <!–[if IE]>)
  • Add Google Analytics code
  • Add FeedBurner code


  • Hide the WordPress update message in the Dashboard
  • Add dashboard logo
  • Unregister default WordPress widgets
  • Disable widget system
  • Disable comment system
  • Disable Posts Auto Saving
  • Automatically generate the Post Thumbnail (from the first image in post)
  • Set JPEG quality
  • Resize image at upload to max size
  • Display total number of executed SQL queries and page loading time
  • Fix post type pagination


  • Remove unnecessary jQuery migrate script (jquery-migrate.min.js)
  • Include jQuery Google CDN instead local script (version 1.11.0)
  • Remove type=”text/javascript” attribute from tag
  • Track enqueued scripts
  • Merge and include removed scripts
  • Load merged removed scripts in footer


  • Track enqueued styles
  • Merge and include removed styles


  • Disable wp filters/hooks


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“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” — Da Vinci


  • Menu
  • The admin page
  • The Filters/Actions admin page


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