AIM Style Vault AIM Style Vault

AIM Style Vault

Created by: Scott Pelland

Downloaded: 1k times

AIM Style Vault lets you add persistent CSS to your WordPress theme that can be organized into stylesheets and published
just like a post. You’ll never again have to worry about losing changes made to the style.css file of your theme. In fact, you
can switch back and forth between themes and use AIM Style Vault stylesheets to preserve special styles for each. The AIM Style
Vault stylesheets are generated using a custom post type, then compressed and served to the document header,
resulting in the fast application of custom CSS. Stylesheets are applied using the top-to-bottom cascade so that recent stylesheet
entries will override earlier entries.

AIM Style Vault requires that the wp_head() tag is included in the theme header.php file. If it is not present, contact your theme’s
author and request that it be included.

AIM Style Vault Features:

  • Unlimited Custom CSS Stylesheets
  • Name each stylesheet
  • Copy and paste stylesheets from another site or your text editor
  • Publishing controls for each stylesheet
  • Accepts all valid CSS and CSS3 specifications
  • Links to CSS resources, including a color-picker and CSS3 style generator
  • Use WordPress Importer plugin to import or export AIM Style Vault stylesheets
  • The AIM Style Vault stylesheet files are accessible only to Admin users

Some uses for AIM Style Vault:

  • Create seasonal styles for your website
  • Apply style tweaks that won’t be lost with a theme upgrade
  • Use AIM Style Vault in place of a child theme for style changes
  • Publish a style on a given date
  • Apply browser-specific styles using the added body selectors (requires body classes to be set)
  • Switch between styles without losing a style
  • Create and easily share styles for a theme
  • Keep track of older styles in unpublished stylesheets (for reference)
  • Test new layouts and styles for better conversion
  • Organize styles into stylesheets based on criteria such as location or function
  • Create versions of styles for approvals.

More information about the AIM Style Vault is available at: AIMBIZ


  • Select AIM Style Vault from the left sidebar and choose whichever stylesheet you want to edit. You can also filter by Custom Style Types.
  • Enter your CSS code in the stylesheet editor using proper CSS syntax...and publish it!
  • Here's the "before" screenshot of the Twenty-eleven home page.
  • We change some styles: remove the Home title, create two-columns for the text, add a border, widen the content area and remove the margin at the top of the page.
  • And here are the front-end results.


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