Albnet Shortcodes Albnet Shortcodes

Albnet Shortcodes

Created by: Albreis Network

Downloaded: 669 times

This plugin add new shortocodes to wordpress



The Albnet Shortcodes plugin is also available in a professional version which includes more layouts, more functionality, and more flexibility! Learn more


  • Simple & Intuitive
  • Powerful Functions
  • Many layout Types
  • Extensive Documentation


From your WordPress dashboard

  1. Visit Plugins > Add New
  2. Search for “Albnet Shortcodes”
  3. Activate Albnet Shortcodes from your Plugins page
  4. Click on the new menu item “Albnet Shortcodes” to views plugin settings!
  5. Read the documentation to get started

Use [albnet_shortcode] to show plugin in code.

Shortcodes options:

layout: card, horizontal, slideshow, archive
Block layout

show_ads: boolean
Show Ads

ads_step: number
Ads frequency to show

image_size: 300×300
Thumbnail image size

title: string
Section title

post_type: string
Post type for filter loop

posts_per_page: int
Posts per page

paged: int
Current page

show_pagination: boolean
Show pagination (for achive layout only)

offset: int
Number to start from getting posts

taxonomy: string
Taxonomy to filter (default: category)

field: string
Field to filter (default: slug)

terms: string
Terms to filter

only_with_thumb: boolean
Show only posts with featured image

show_thumb: boolean
Show thumbnail

show_video: boolean
Show video player embeded

show_title: boolean
Show post title

show_excerpt: boolean
Show post title

show_author: boolean
Show author

show_date: boolean
Show date

show_times_ago: boolean
Show time ago

show_category: boolean
Show category

show_comments: boolean
Show comments count

title_icon: string
Title to show before icon. Accept HTML. Default is empty

container_class: string
Class to loop container. Default: empty

item_class: string
Class to add to item in loop. Default: empty


  • Clean layout for posts


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