AlertWire AlertWire


Created by: AlertWire

Downloaded: 981 times

AlertWire is a system for centralized administration of alert/messaging for multiple sites.

Once your site has been configured in the AlertWire system, you can add this plug-in and set the data-token to enabled the checking of alerts. When the
page is rendered, a <script> tag will be inserted into the document being rendered.

How AlertWire Works

  1. The page is generated with the correct API server and data-token configured, typically added to the bottom of the page body tag.
  2. An async script tag is executed (late as possible) which loads a small (<4K) javascript plug-in. This plug-in has no dependancies and will
    not interfere with any existing frameworks like jQuery
  3. A cross-domain JSON request is made to the AlertWire API service to determine if there are any active alerts for the data-token specified.
  4. If there are one or more alerts to view, a CSS style-sheet will also be loaded from the API server.
  5. The alerts are then generated dynamically into the document and styled automatically. There are several formats that are rendered
    differently (e.g. page-top, lightbox, etc.).
  6. Tracking pixels are generated to record when a check-in for alerts cccurs and when a view or close or click-through of an alert occurs.


  • The javascript plug-in and CSS style-sheet are publically cached from a CDN and are very small, the impact on load times should be tiny.
  • The CSS file is only loaded if there are alerts to be rendered.
  • The javascript plug-in only introduces one symbol into the global scope, the AlertWire module. All other functionality is behind that scope.
  • The plug-in will set a cookie when a user closes an alert to ensure it isn’t displayed again. Depending on the alert type, this cookie may be a
    session cookie or a durable cookie with a 1 year expiration.
  • A very small font file will be downloaded for the alert icons the first time an alert is displayed to an end user.


  • The plug-in settings screen, where you enter the <code>data-token</code> and select into what pages the script is injected.
  • The script that is injected at the bottom of the page.


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