All In One For Woocommerce

Created by: Dipika Parmar

Downloaded: 1k times

All In One For WooCommerce plugins many more functionality in one plugins.


Button & Price Labels

  • Add to Cart Button Labels – Change text for Add to Cart button by product type, by product category or for individual products (Unlimited category group allowed in free version).
  • Call for Price – Create any custom price label for all products with empty price.
  • Custom Price Labels – Create any custom price label for any product.
  • Free Price Labels – Set free price labels (Variable products allowed in Free version).
  • More Button Labels – Set “Place order” button label.

PDF Invoicing & Packing Slips

  • PDF Invoicing – Invoices, Proforma Invoices (FREE), Credit Notes (FREE) and Packing Slips (FREE).

Shipping & Orders

  • Address Formats – Set address format in orders on per country basis. Force base country display.
  • Admin Orders List – Customize admin orders list: add custom columns (Unlimited allowed in free version); add multiple status filtering (Unlimited allowed in free version).
  • Custom Shipping – Add multiple custom shipping methods to WooCommerce.
  • Left to Free Shipping – Display “left to free shipping” info.
  • Maximum Products per User – Limit number of items your (logged) customers can buy.
  • Order Custom Statuses – Custom statuses for WooCommerce orders. Make Custom Status Orders Editable. Add Custom Statuses to Admin Order List Action Buttons.
  • Order Minimum Amount – Minimum order amount. Order Minimum Amount by User Role.
  • Order Numbers – Sequential order numbering, custom order number prefix, suffix and number width. Prefix Options. Suffix options.
  • Order Quantities – Manage product quantities in WooCommerce order: set min, max, step; enable decimal quantities etc.
  • Orders – Orders auto-complete; admin order currency; admin order navigation; bulk regenerate download permissions for orders.
  • Shipping Calculator – Customize WooCommerce shipping calculator on cart page. Calculate shipping label. Update totals label.
  • Shipping Descriptions – Add descriptions to shipping methods on frontend. Description visibility. Description position.
  • Shipping Icons – Add icons to shipping methods on frontend. Icon Visibility.
  • Shipping Methods by City or Postcode – Set shipping cities or postcodes to include/exclude for shipping methods to show up.
  • Shipping Methods by Current Date/Time – Set date and/or time to include/exclude for shipping methods to show up.
  • Shipping Methods by Min/Max Order Amount – Set minimum and/or maximum order amount for shipping methods to show up.
  • Shipping Methods by Min/Max Order Quantity – Set minimum and/or maximum order quantity for shipping methods to show up.
  • Shipping Methods by Products – Set products, product categories, tags or shipping classes to include/exclude for shipping methods to show up.
  • Shipping Methods by Users – Set user roles, users or membership plans to include/exclude for shipping methods to show up.
  • Shipping Options – Hide shipping when free is available. Grant free shipping on per product basis. Show only the most expensive shipping.
  • Shipping Time – Add delivery time estimation to shipping methods.

Comming Soon

* Add to Cart
* Add to Cart Button Visibility
* Admin Products List
* Bookings

All In One For WooCommerce in your language!

We need help translating the All In One For WooCommerce plugin. Please visit the WordPress Translate Project to translate the plugin. Drop us an email on to get mentioned in the list of translators below.

  • Spanish[Mexico|Colombia|Spain|Venezuela] translation by Javier Esteban



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