Amazon Widgets Shortcodes Amazon Widgets Shortcodes

Amazon Widgets Shortcodes

Created by: Oncle Tom

Downloaded: 28k times

Easy management of Amazon Links & Widgets on your blog. Preserve your post consistency, use copy/paste Amazon code or build your links with an easy to use interface

Hot Features

  • switch from TinyMCE to HTML without loosing anything!
  • international Amazon support (Canada, France, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, USA)
  • easy insertion from TinyMCE
  • autoconfigure from copy/paste code
  • minimal shortcodes (1 option and it runs)
  • inline documentation for people who want to manually write Amazon Shortcodes

Other Features

  • XHTML Strict validation
  • RSS feed filtering (don’t spam your feeds)
  • Amazon Context Links

Available Amazon Widgets

  • Carrousel Widget
  • Deals Widget
  • MP3
  • My Favorites Widget
  • Product Preview
  • Product Links
  • Slideshow Widget
  • Product Cloud Widget
  • Wishlist Widget

Built-in Translations

Don’t forget to look at the screenshots if you are not convinced.


  1. Provide an API to let other developers to plug-in
  2. Blog sidebar Widgets
  3. Profile management
  4. Widgets management
  5. Amazon Associate browsing in the same window
  6. Support for these widgets:
    • aStore
    • Banners
    • Dynamic Links
  7. Makes you earning a lot of money thanks to this widget ๐Ÿ˜‰


  • Widget selection via Rich Text Editor (with TinyMCE)
  • Widget configuration via Rich Text Editor (TinyMCE)
  • Copy/Paste feature
  • Main configuration panel
  • Extra tools configuration panel
  • Inline documentation


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