Ancient World Linked Data for WordPress Ancient World Linked Data for WordPress

Ancient World Linked Data for WordPress

Created by: Peter J. Herrel

Downloaded: 2k times

Ancient World Linked Data for WordPress — Awld.js is a javascript library for Ancient World Linked Data, developed by the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World. This plugin adds functionality and visual elements to your WordPress powered website, based on links to stable URIs relevant to the study of the Ancient World.

Available resources

  • Arachne (
  • Encyclopedia of Life (
  • GeoNames (
  • Internet Archive (
  • Library of Congress (
  • Munzkabinett Berlin (
  • Nomisma (
  • Numismatics (
  • Open Context (
  • Papyri (
  • Pelagios (
  • Perseus (
  • Pleiades (
  • Portable Antiquities Scheme (
  • Sudoc (
  • Trismegistos (
  • Wikipedia (
  • Wikipedia FR (
  • Worldcat (
  • Yale Art Gallery (

About awld.js

Awld.js is a project of the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (ISAW). The project is overseen by Sebastian Heath. The initial implementation of the library was written by Nick Rabinowitz.

Find out more about the awld.js project on Github.

Terms of Use

Neither the name of the New York University nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.


The awld.js library is copyright © 2012, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University. All rights reserved.


The awld.js project is currently in the proof-of-concept, pre-alpha, use-at-your-own-risk stage.


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