WordPress Classifieds Plugin – Ad Directory & Listings by AWP Classifieds

Created by: AWP Classifieds Team

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Add a classified ads section to your WordPress site, quickly and easily with AWP Classifieds (formerly known as AWPCP or Another WordPress Classifieds Plugin). Create classified listings from cars to yard sales.
Lots of features, very configurable. Easy to setup. Great support.
We’ve been the #1 WordPress Classified Ads Plugin for 10+ years.

Looking for other types of directories? Check out Business Directory Plugin for more easy WP directories.

Classified Ads Features

  • Search your classified directory by city, state, country, username, or keyword
  • Allow AdSense ads to be displayed in your classified directory with configurable ad placement
  • Control over HTML use in your ads
  • Limit the text size of ad postings
  • Standard form fields can be enabled or disabled, depending on your needs (title, website, name, country, etc)
  • Allow or disallow image posting with listing ads
  • Automatic expiration of ads (free or paid)
  • Ads can have a “Tweet This” button in their layout
  • Ads can have a “Share on Facebook” button in their layout
  • Ads can be flagged by community for bad/offensive content
  • Ads can imported via CSV files
  • Ad listings support embedded videos
  • Ads can have character limits, supported by plans (different plans can have different limits)
  • Ads can be displayed on any page for a single category using shortcodes
  • Auto-verify ads with email links to post immediately upon click
  • Ads can be ‘Sent to Facebook’ inside of ad management
  • Support for displaying ad events in BuddyPress activity stream with BuddyPress module
  • Ads can be edited via front end, back end with or without registration (depending on settings)
  • Multiple levels of directory categories supported

WordPress Classified Plugin Notification Features

  • Allow posters to be notified of expiring ads, renewals, and approvals of ads
  • Allow admin to be notified when new ads are posted, ads are edited and much more
  • Ad users can contact the ad poster without exposing the poster’s email (blind email system, similar to Craigslist)
  • Admin can (optionally) be notified of expiring ads

Ad Listing Payment Features

  • Allows for paid or free ads
  • Supports PayPal, PayPal Pro, Authorize.net, Stripe and 2Checkout for paid ads
  • Allow for image posting limits higher than free ads
  • Multiple fee scales for posting ads (allows you to have longer ad postings with higher fees)
  • Variable ad expiration lengths connected to fee scale (e.g. allow ads to run for 30 days for $10, 60 days for $15, etc)
  • Supports a “credit system” or pay with regular currency per ad. Mix and match if you want.
  • Support for ad memberships (packages of ads for a single price)

Posting Controls for your WordPress classified ads

  • Allow admin to approve ads prior to posting
  • Allow admin to approve images prior to posting
  • Users can edit or delete their own ads
  • Admin can edit or delete all ads in the system
  • Secure system gives users a unique editing key to administer their own ads
  • Allows for limiting image posting (by image size, height, width and total count if desired)
  • Anti-spam checks for all ads posted via Akismet.
  • Flagged ads can be viewed separately to determine violations, and then deleted or unflagged.
  • Ad Management panel, visible by users and admins for easier ad creation/editing/delete.
  • Admin can post ads on behalf of other users with the ads displaying as if the user posted them initially
  • Email verification step can be used to auto-post ads upon successful verification link click
  • Ads can be posted to a Facebook page manually or automatically

Classified Directory Image Features

  • Allow image posting or shut it off completely
  • Control the number, filesize, height and width of images posted
  • Allow for different numbers of images to be posted with paid ads vs. free ads
  • Allow for image approval prior to posting
  • Allow users to add a primary image to their ad listing (Great for car listings and real-estate listings)
  • Now supports multi-image asynchronous loading

Add-on modules, not included in our free classified website builder

  • Extra Fields – allows you to add any custom fields for display. For example, if you have a pet-related board, you might have “Sex”, “Breed”, and “Dam/Sire” as additional fields you require for display. Supports search and custom ordering of fields.
  • Region Control – allows you to restrict viewing of ads based on locale, so users don’t see items they aren’t physically near them, also allows customization of the region types, such as village, borough, etc.
  • Featured Ads – allows you to promote certain ads over others by charging a fee for them, featured ads are displayed using CSS to highlight them. Featured ads are always returned first in a category, the overall ad list, or in search results. Also has a widget for placement anywhere on your site. Full admin control of featured ads, too
  • BuddyPress – allows users to manage their listing ads in the BuddyPress profile directly, see events from ad posting in the activity stream and more
  • Fee per Category – allows you to charge for certain categories and not others, giving you more freedom on how to configure your classified section. Allows for multiple fee plans per category, as well as a default plan to cover “all other unspecified” categories
  • Membership to Post – allows power users to place blocks of ads at a time, great for real estate agents, car dealers, anyone who wants to place ads in bulk
  • Comments/Ratings – allow users to rate classified ads, and add ratings and comments on listings
  • RSS Feeds – allows you syndicate your ads for your users to download in their favorite RSS reader and come back to your site more often!
  • Coupons/Discounts – allows you to offer coupon codes for ad promotions to your users, coupons can be a percent off, or a fixed amount, have expiration dates and be tracked by usage
  • Category Icons – adds small icons to give visual cues to your user for each directory category in AWP Classifieds Plugin
  • Mark as Sold – allows users to mark for sale items as sold to keep content in your classifieds, but clarify availability
  • Attachments – allows users to attach PDFs, text files or other images to their classifieds (great for job boards!)
  • Ad Campaign Manager – add your own advertisements in 5 different positions
  • ZIP Search – search for ads that have address fields within a radius of a postal code

Premium Payment Gateways for Paid Listings

Want to accept credit cards on your site for paid listings in your classifieds directory? Choose from any of our extra payment processors.

  • Stripe – accept payments via Stripe for ads
  • PayPal Pro – allows you to have an embedded payment form on your site for use with PayPal Pro accounts
  • Authorize.net Gateway – allows users to purchase ads and credit plans using Authorize.net

These are just some of the features of our easy WordPress Classifieds Plugin.

For more information and support please visit awpcp.com

If you love AWP Classifieds, please consider purchasing a Module!



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