Any Custom Fields Any Custom Fields

Any Custom Fields

Created by: Darshan Prajapati

Downloaded: 1k times

Any Custom fields provide the options to customize in wordpress front end website.
this plugin provide the options for general options like wordpress title, descriptions, keywords, meta title, meta descriptions, meta keywords and any custom fields with labels etc.
this plugin provide the options to add social options in website front end like facebook link, twitter link,pinterest link, google links etc. and user can add any custom social link upto 20 extra here.
this plugin provide the options to add contact details in website front end like MAIL ID in contact form, contact name, contact number, contact address etc with custom labels.
user can add any custom social link upto 20 extra here.

version 1.0

This is first version of any custom fields which provide any options to include in wordpress website and for customization.

version 1.1

This is first version of any custom fields which provide any options to include in wordpress website and for customization.also user can customize the labels accroding to value.


  • <p>Any custom fields general options page</p>
  • <p>Adding new Custom Fields to a page by click on button link and remove it</p>
  • <p>short code to add it on front side pages or admin pages.</p>


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