AnyComment Analytics AnyComment Analytics

AnyComment Analytics

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AnyComment Analytics is a premium advanced analytics for AnyComment.

We value feedback, so if you have any failures or suggestions – please let us know in support forum or GitHub!


Get Started

In order to start, you need:

  • Install & activate plugin
  • You should see new “Analytics” tab in the main plugin screen
  • You are good to go!

And good news is AnyComment is free & no dependency on third party services, all comments stored in your database.



  • General statistics about number of social users, uploaded files, post subscribers, sent emails, post rating, likes & dislikes
  • You have ability to configure analytical report (where to send – email and specify how often you would like to receive it)


  • All comments per specified period of time.
  • Common hours for users to comment. Displayed in 24 hours format.
  • [Users]: Number of registered users per specified period of time.
  • [Users]: List of most used social networks.
  • [Posts]: Most popular posts by rating.
  • [Posts]: Popular posts where users subscribed the most.
  • [Posts]: Subscriptions per specified period of time.
  • [Files]: Uploaded files per specified period of time.
  • [Files]: Popular file types uploaded.
  • [Emails]: Emails per specified period of time.


  • After installation & activation of addon you should see new "Analytics" tab.
  • "Summary" tab contains generic information about your website.
  • "Report" tab allows to configure automatic reports sent to specified email address(es).
  • "Comments" tab contains analytical data related to comments.
  • "Users" tab contains analytical data related to users.
  • "Posts" tab contains analytical data related to posts.
  • "Files" tab contains analytical data related to files.
  • "Emails" tab contains analytical data related to emails.


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