API for Apex TownControl

Created by: Nolan Perry, LLC

Downloaded: 646 times

The following shortcodes are available
[show_town_arrests time=\’720\’] – This shows all the towns arrests in within the last 30 days by default but can be changed by changing the attribute \’time\’, which is in hours.
[show_town_phonebook] – This shows the entirety of citizens registered in your town by their name, address, and the phone number. (hint: this is a solution for the NorPhone.)

The following command are under development and will be available in a further update:

[show_town_warrants] – Shows any Active Warrants.(Be Cautious of this being used IC)
[show_town_laws] – Shows Citizens all of the Laws of the Selected Town.
[show_town_incidents] – A Transparency Function, letting citizens see short narratives of what happened on each incident, let\’s them know where the taxpayer money is going.



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