Author Chat Author Chat

Author Chat

Created by: Piotr Pesta

Downloaded: 21k times

Author Chat is an internal chat that let your authors (users with access to admin panel) to chat with each other. It is easy to use. All chat data is stored in database. You can also configure how many days chat history should be stored in database, change the interval time for the verification of new messages, show or hide our name in the messages and many more.

Author Chat now supports private chat/chat rooms.

You can also download Author Chat client for Android, and run chat on your smartphone. App is available here: Google Play

If you wish to translate plugin, just add your translation file to /lang/ folder.

Using 3rd party service

Please note that this plugin is relying on a 3rd party service, which is the Google Firebase Cloud Messaging service (FCM) and your data is being sent through their servers via HTTP API ( This is very legal to use the Google Firebase Cloud Messaging service (FCM), based on their terms and conditions


  • Author Chat - stretched window on the right side.
  • Author Chat - stretched window on the right side of WYSWIG editor.
  • Author Chat - dashboard view.
  • Author Chat - options and smaller chat window.


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