Authors List

Created by: WPKube

Downloaded: 43k times

Easily display a list or grid of post authors (or any other user role) and links to their post archives page using a shortcode.

Backend UI can be used to change all the options.

Introducing New Authors List Pro

The free version offers a large amount of features for free, and the PRO version comes with even more amazing features for your authors list.
Some of those features are Styler, Search and Filters.
Styler allows easy change of color/typography/spacing on any of the elements in the authors list.
Filters allow you to create a better organization of the authors list.
Search allows your visitors to search for specific users.
Click here to get the PRO version!


All the options are available in the WP admin but you can also use a plain shortcode (as it was in version 1 of the plugin). The shortcode is [authors_list] and accepts the following attributes.

  • style (1,2,3)
  • columns (2,3,4)
  • columns_direction ( horizontal, vertical )
  • avatar_size (any number, example 500)
  • amount (any number, no limit by default)
  • show_title (yes,no)
  • show_count (yes,no)
  • show_bio (yes,no)
  • show_link (yes,no)
  • orderby ( post_count, post_date, ID, login, nicename, email, url, registered, display_name, first_name, last_name )
  • order ( ASC, DESC )
  • skip_empty ( yes, no )
  • minimum_posts_count ( any number )
  • bio_word_trim ( any number, leave empty for no trim )
  • only_authors ( yes, no )
  • exclude ( user IDs separated by comma, example 1,3,4 )
  • include ( user IDs separated by comma, example 1,3,4 )
  • roles ( roles separated by comma, example administrator,editor )
  • latest_post_after ( for example if set to 7 it will only show authors that have posts published in the past 7 days )
  • name_starts_with ( limit to authors whose display name starts with specific characters )
  • first_name_starts_with ( limit to authors whose first name starts with specific characters )
  • last_name_starts_with ( limit to authors whose last name starts with specific characters )
  • categories ( category IDs separated by comma, example 1,3,4 )
  • terms ( term IDs separate by comma, example 1,3,4 )
  • taxonomy ( name of a taxonomy, for example post_tag )
  • title_element (the element that wraps the name of the user/author, defaults to div, can be any element, for example h2)
  • link_count (yes, no)

Example usage with attributes:

[authors_list style="2" columns="2" amount="4" show_count="no"]

There are additional attributes for custom content before and after each element:

  • before_avatar
  • before_title
  • before_count
  • before_bio
  • before_link
  • after_avatar
  • after_title
  • after_count
  • after_bio
  • after_link

Example usage with attributes:

[authors_list before_title="My custom content"]

These before/after attributes also support dynamic user/author meta fields using


Example usage:

[authors_list before_title="My first name is {al:first_name}"]

They also support some dynamic output functionality. Currently supports displaying posts links and social links (Yoast SEO needed):

Example usage for posts links:

[authors_list after_title="{alf:posts}"]
[authors_list after_title="{alf:posts type=plain amount=5}"]

Example usage for social links:

[authors_list after_title="{alf:social}"]

Example usage for roles:

[authors_list after_title="{alf:role}"]

Example usage for link (the “to” parameter accepts foollowing values: archive bbpress_profile buddypress_profile):

[authors_list after_title="{alf:link to=bbpress_profile}"]

Social Icons SVGs by FontAwesome are licensed under CC BY 4.0

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