Auto Post Expiration Auto Post Expiration

Auto Post Expiration


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A simple plugin allows to set the posts expire date on desire date and time which set the posts to “draft” status.

You can select the date / time that you want this post to expire on. It will set post to “draft” status and you will no longer to see post in front.


Set post expire date and time.
Show expire date and post status in admin column.
Support in Gutenberg sidebar.
Support in classic editor sidebar.

Get Involved

ViitorCloud believes in active community support. So, with our plugins, we aim to try to make life easy for developers & customers. Subscribe to our newsletter for more updates.

Advance Features (Pro Version)

  1. Allow to add expire date of single post/page/products/custom post types.
  2. Compatible with Gutenberg editor and classic editor.
  3. WooCommerce supported.
  4. Email notification to admin on expire date.
    Please visit Auto Post Expiration Pro to buy.


  • Expire date selection input
  • Admin column of exipre date


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