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A quick look into WP Tumblr Auto Publish :

★ Publish simple text message to Tumblr
★ Publish post to Tumblr with image or link
★ Filter items  to be published based on categories
★ Filter items to be published based on custom post types
★ Enable or disable wordpress page publishing
★ Customizable  message formats for Tumblr

WP Tumblr Auto Publish Features in Detail

The WP Tumblr Auto Publish lets you publish posts automatically from your blog to Tumblr. You can publish your posts to Tumblr as simple text message, text message with link or image. The plugin supports filtering posts by post-types and categories.

The prominent features of the WP Tumblr Auto Publish plugin are highlighted below.

Supported Mechanisms

The various mechanisms of posting to Tumblr are listed below.

Simple text message
Attach image to tumblr post
Attach link to tumblr post

Filter Settings

The plugin offers multiple kinds of filters for contents to be published automatically.

Enable or disable publishing of wordpress pages
Filter posts to be published based on categories
Filtering based on custom post types

Message Format Settings

The supported post elements which can be published are given below.

Post title
Post description
Post excerpt
Blog title
User nicename
Post ID
Post publish date
User display name


WP Tumblr Auto Publish is developed and maintained by XYZScripts. For any support, you may contact us.

WP Tumblr Auto Publish User Guide
WP Tumblr Auto Publish FAQ

More Information

WP Tumblr Auto Publish User Guide
WP Tumblr Auto Publish FAQ


Please read the FAQ first if you are having problems.


WordPress 3.0+
PHP 7.4+


We would like to receive your feedback and suggestions about WP Tumblr Auto Publish plugin. You may submit them at our support desk.


  • This is the Tumblr configuration section.
  • This is the general settings section.
  • Publishing options while creating a post.
  • Auto publish logs.


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