AutoDater AutoDater


Created by: Krnm Saikrishna

Downloaded: 775 times

AutoDater is simple and flexible plugin for you updating your post titles daily with specified date or time sting.If you are waiting for dynamic date on post title, this plugin is the best option to our need.


  • Dynamically update date on post title daily once.
  • Also change post modified and published date meta without any extra procedure.
  • Customization of your settings very easy.
  • Position option also available, to place the date on post title any where.
  • Choose the date or time by php date function parameters, i.e Y-m-d means year-month-date.

Extra Features

  • You can deactive the plugin, just with one click on plugin settings page On\Off option directly.
  • Don’t worry on plugin status, everyday it will show a message today task completed or not. this message shown on your dashboard screen.
  • There is no need to do any manual startup,this plugin automatically do its work everyday. it will automatically works by daily visitor of your website.


  • Without proper activation, category, position options the plugin will not work, handle options carefully.
  • Don’t add unspecified characters in date or string, it may generate wrong output. you can use only php date function specified parameters.
  • If the website have no single visit in day. that day this plugin not do anything. so you can set a cron job on your hosting provider admin settings to load website home page once a day.



We Needs Your Support

It is hard to continue development and support for this free plugin without contributions from users like you. If you enjoy using ou plugin and find it useful, please consider and donate some money to our development. Your donation will help encourage and support the plugin’s continued development and better user support.


  • Customize this plugin from Auotdater Setting page like this. Got it!
  • You can see the Autodater Status report everyday on Dashboard widgets area. today autodater complete their task successfull or not without checking Autodater setting page.


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