WordPress Plugin to insert PayPal Buy now or Pay now Button into Post/Page using Simple shortcode. Can specify your Product Name, Product Id, Product Amount in shortcode itself. easy to Configure the Paypal Settings. And implementation is Quick, flexible and easy to use. Just use Shotcode to display your PayPal Button Wherever you want.

[avishi-paypal-button name=”WordPress Coffee Mug” number=”12345″ amount=”20″]

Some features that you get:

  • Add Buy Now buttons anywhere on a post or a page.
  • Set the item/Product name.
  • Set the item numbers.
  • Set the item amount
  • Multiple Currencies
  • Support for Pay Now or Buy Now Button option
  • Test mode option, point to PayPal sandbox account.
  • Admin options page for easy configuration.


  • Admin option tab for plugin Configuration.
  • Plugin Configuration.
  • Plugin Shortcode Usage on Post/Page.
  • PayPal Button View on Front End.


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