STOP Making Pricing Tables The Hard Way!
Here’s How To Turn Any Ordinary Company
Into A Booming Business…
In Only 2 Minutes You Can Quickly and Easily Create A Pricing Table Guaranteed To Sell Your Product or Service…

Looking To Increase Your Business? Just Fill In A Few Blanks And PRESTO…
You’ve Just Created A Powerful, Money-Making Pricing Table!

Pricing Tables for WP Pro

Pricing Tables for WP Pro comes with the following features.

14 time-tested high conversion pricing table styles
Fully Customize your Pricing Table (Colors, etc…).
Priority Email Support.
And much more….

[Learn more about Pricing Tables for WP Pro >>](* View Pricing Tables for WP Pro Live Demo)

Pricing Tables for WP Features

  • Works with any wordPress Theme
  • Support Mobile/Tablet Devices
  • Easy to use by simple drag and drop
  • Customize: Font-size, Colors, Borders
  • Support Mouse hover, Featured Column
  • Custom CSS – Add Custom CSS to your Pricing Table
  • Check out Pricing Tables for WP Support

As this is the lite version of Pricing Tables for WP, the only support we offer through these forums is for bugs. Support for questions regarding modifying your pricing tables, writing custom CSS, etc is available for customers of Pricing Tables for WP Pro.


  • Pricing Tables for WP Admin Screen in Action


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