AWSOM Pixgallery AWSOM Pixgallery

AWSOM Pixgallery

Created by: Harknell and Nathan Moinvaziri

Downloaded: 30k times

AWSOM Pixgallery is an Image Gallery/Archive plugin designed to make it easier for Artists or Webcomic creators to set up a portfolio of their artwork. It features Automatic Watermarking, captioning using the Visual Editor or HTML, sorting, auto-thumbnailing, Comicpress theme support, per image/gallery commenting and more. It is a WordPress native Plugin and does not require any config or file changes or outside tool integration to work; just activate the plugin and add a line of text to any post or page and your Gallery of Images will appear. All options are handled through the regular WordPress Admin interface. More features are in development now such as tagging, extensive theme control through Admin interface, and more.
Part of the series of WordPress Plugins developed by Harknell

Upgrading From Previous Version

To upgrade from a previous version to the 4.8.X version:

1) Go to the Admin Plugins menu and deactivate the previous version of AWSOM Pixgallery.

2) Delete the pixgallery folder from your wp-content/plugins folder

3) copy the new awsom-pixgallery plugin folder to the wp-content/plugins folder (please note the folder name now MUST be awsom-pixgallery)

4) go to the Admin Plugins menu and activate the 4.8.X version.

5) Upgrade is complete.

6) Optional steps: There is a new option in the Pixgallery options area to create the default cache folder used by the new version of the plugin.
It is not a requirement to switch to the new default cache folder if your previous one was working fine, it’s just an option.
For anyone having issues with their cache folder it is suggested to click the “Create Default Cache” button, which should eliminate
your issue. The cache folder field will then automatically update to reflect that you are using the default cache folder. You may delete the old cache folder you
were originally using.

7) AWSOM Pixgallery now also has the ability to create a default gallery folder in your uploads folder. You can create this folder by going to the Appearance Galleries admin
menu and clicking the create default gallery button.


  • Example screenshot of multi-level gallery showing subgallery folders and thumbnails for current gallery.
  • Caption adding area showing usage of Visual Editor.
  • Admin options page showing some of the newer options added.


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