Back in stock notifications for WooCommerce it’s a WordPress plugin which extends WooCommerce by adding a Subscribe button to out of stock products. It supports simple and variable products.

The button opens a modal form which can be used to subscribe for Back In stock email notifications. When the product is back in stock the plugin sends a personalized email to subscribers.

Main Features

✔️ Manage the button colors
✔️ Personalize the modal/form
✔️ Personalize the emails body
✔️ Default emails content
✔️ Set up the mode: automatically / manually
✔️ Filter, generate and export subscribers in CSV format
✔️ View subscribers by product
✔️ Check each notification status
✔️ Pause specific products for sending notifications
✔️ Filter subscriptions by product
✔️ reCaptcha v2

Merge Tags

The emails can be personalized with merge tags.

  • [wsnm-first-name] – The subscription’s first name.
  • [wsnm-last-name] – The subscription’s last name.
  • [wsnm-email] – The subscription’s email address.
  • [wsnm-product-title] – The product title. If it’s a variation, then it also contains the variation name.
  • [wsnm-product-price] – The product price, it also contains the currency.
  • [wsnm-product-quantity] – The available quantity in stock. If the quantity is not managed, then it returns the string ‘unlimited’.
  • [wsnm-product-url] – The product’s URL. If it’s a variation, the variation is automatically selected.


  • Settings - Emails Templates
  • Settings - Subscription Form
  • Variation Product Type - Out of stock
  • Simple Product Type - Out of stock
  • Subscribe Form Modal
  • All Subscriptions
  • Settings - General
  • Merge Tags
  • Automatically Mode - NotificationSstatus
  • Manually Mode - Send Notifications


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