Plugin Developed for helping Bloggers or Website Owner to Findout From where the Traffic comings, Many Sites

Generate Fake Traffic, you can show Custom Page To fake Traffic user to know they are at wrong website.

Some Website Use your credits power to sell their products and they put incoming links to your website to show

buyer or internet user that Your Website is their customer, This plugin helps you to tell those Customer that

linked website cheating and you are not responsible for those purchase and links. This plugin will help your SEO

Creditability and Customer value.

Plugins Provide Excellent Feature of


1. Show Complete List of Incoming Traffic with urls
2. You can Select that

website url and Set Rule for Users.
3. Set 404 or Restricted Page for Users if they came

from fake sites.
4. Set 301 Redirect, Some websites are good for getting traffic like

eBay , Amazon, or some blogger, then you take that users to separate or custom page landing to Say Thanks or Show

Dedicated Page.
5. Set Custom Page , You can Select WordPress Built-in pages and allow user

to redirect that page


Suppose some porn site, or Virus, Hacker, Fake Seller

Website, put your website url to show as customer or their user.


p>So whenever Any Customer click and come to website admin can see which customer come from which website and

set custom Page to tell that That Website doing Fake Propaganda

For any Support contact us


  • <p>Show the list of Back link refer site .</p>
  • <p>Redirect the back link where you want .</p>


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