Backend Designer Backend Designer

Backend Designer

Created by: Daniele De Rosa

Downloaded: 10k times

The Backend Designer allows you to create your own Color Scheme for your WordPress admin panel with Live-Preview. Also you can customize the Login screen uploading your own logo and style it with your favorite colors. So helpful to make client projects unique!

See it in action!

Backend Designer – Video


  • Create your own design for the WordPress Backend. It´s so easy.
  • Customize the WordPress Login screen. Upload your own logo and style it with your favorite colors.
  • Upload an awesome background image to your login screen to make it very unique.
  • Set your favorite font family for your backend.
  • Live Preview: You can see the color changes while changing.
  • You have the possibility to enable your created color scheme globally for all users.


  • It´s very fast. Style your backend in 2 minutes and make it awesome!
  • Preview your changes live before you save them.
  • Your WordPress Backend will look very unique. Be creative!


  • Nice and clean Backend Panel to have a lot of fun. :-)
  • Create your own design for the wordpress backend and play with your favorite colors.
  • Cuszomize the Login Screen with your own logo and custom colors.
  • Make it unique.


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