base Angewandte Portfolio & Showroom

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The current research information system Portfolio & Showroom was specially developed for art universities and is available as free open source software (FLOSS). Portfolio is a one-stop shop for organising and saving all your ideas, projects in progress and completed work in one place. With Showroom, you tell the story of your work, collaborate with colleagues, explore and discover topics that you share with others. Make your Portfolio entries public in Showroom – both applications are complementary.

With this WordPress plugin, you can display the entries on your own WordPress page in addition to publishing your work and activities in Showroom. All you have to do is install the plugin and define the parameters for using the Portfolio API in the settings.

For information on the API and the key required for use, please contact your university’s IT department.

How to Use

To display a list of your published portfolio entries, place this shortcode anywhere in your posts or pages:

[baseangewandte_portfolio_showroom access_token="YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" uuid="YOUR_UUID" ]

Note: access_token and uuid are mandatory parameters.

The Shortcode takes following additional parameters:
– entry_id: if you want to display only one single entry, you can specify the ID of this entry here
– language: the language you want your entries displayed in (Two-Character ISO Code), default is ‘en’
– pagination_entries_per_page: if you set this parameter, your portfolio entries will be paginated
– render_title_as: the html tag the list items will be wrapped in, default is ‘span’
– api_url: the endpoint of the api, default is ‘’,
– media_base_url: base url of the media files, default is ‘’



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