bbPress API

Created by: Pascal Casier

Downloaded: 3k times

A first attempt for a bbPress API.

WARNING This API will show all forums, topics, replies that bbPress has access to. If you have any extra plugin to restrict bbPress content, please double and triple check that everything works correctly.

Current routes for READING (GET):

  • /wp-json/bbp-api/v1/forums/ (list all forums)
  • /wp-json/bbp-api/v1/forums/id (includes latest topics and subforums)
  • /wp-json/bbp-api/v1/topics/ (latest topics from all forums)
  • /wp-json/bbp-api/v1/topics/id (includes latest replies)
  • /wp-json/bbp-api/v1/replies/id (show one reply)
  • /wp-json/bbp-api/v1/topic-tags/
  • /wp-json/bbp-api/v1/stats/

Parameters for /forums/id and /topics/id (following )

  • per_page (records per page)
  • page (page number)

Parameter for /topics/id (following )

  • _embed (showing content for replies)

Current routes for WRITING (POST):

  • /wp-json/bbp-api/v1/forums/id (create a new topic in this forum)
  • /wp-json/bbp-api/v1/topics/id (create a reply to this topic ID)
  • /wp-json/bbp-api/v1/replies/id (create a reply to this reply ID)

Follow development on !

Many thanks and credits to:

  • Daniel Turton (mistertwo) for the topics and replies POST functions
  • Tony Korologos (@tkserver) for his input and testing with his app

Consider also the following plugins:

  • bbP Toolkit
  • bbP Move Topics



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