Like for bbPress

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Like for bbPress plugin will add a like button to bbpress topics and replies, bbpress forum members can like or vote topics and replies

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When logged in users View bbpress forum topic, he can like / vote the bbpress topics or replies, If user clicked “like it now” button, the text of the button will be changed to “you liked it”, and the score will +1.

Change Log of Like for bbPress Plugin

Version 1.1.9

Based on the suggestion from netizens, we have switched to commonly used internet slang

Version 1.1.5

Fixed the vote topic bug for the new version of php and wordpress
Follow wordpress security standard to use use esc_attr to enhace security

Version 1.0.9

Increse the space between numbers and text to make the interface more beautiful

Version 1.0.7

Enhanced Like for bbPress plugin security

Version 1.0.5

New “Like it” and “Liked it” Images for Like for bbPress Plugin

Version 1.0.3

Disabled anonymous users to like bbPress topics / replies

Version 1.0.0

Init version



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