bbPress2 BBCode bbPress2 BBCode

bbPress2 BBCode

Created by: Anton Channing

Downloaded: 18k times

This plugin adds support for bbcode markup to wordpress, bbpress and buddypress.
It integrates with the ‘bbPress shortcode whitelist’ plugin to provide a safe
way of enabling BBCode without giving your users access to all shortcodes.

Bold: [b]bold[/b]
Italics: [i]italics[/i]
Underline: [u]underline[/u]
URL: [url][/url] [url=]WordPress[/url]
Image: [img][/img] [img=Code is Poetry][/img]
Quote: [quote]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit,[/quote] [quote=NAME]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/quote] [quote="NAME"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/quote] [quote author=NAME]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/quote] [quote author="NAME"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/quote]
Color: [color="red"]named red[/color] [color="ff0000"]hex red[/color] [color=#ff0000]hex red again[/color]
Strikeout:[s]striked this out[/s]
Center Text:[center]center me[/center]
Computer code:[code]function HelloWorld($greet = 'World') { return 'Hello '.$greet } [/code]
Font size: [size=10]10px font size[/size]
Ordered lists: [ol][li][/li][/ol]
Unordered lists: [ul][li][/li][/ul]
List Item: [li]item[/li]
Named Spoiler: [spoiler=two plus two]four[/spoiler]
Unnamed Spoiler: [spoiler]Boo![/spoiler]
Contents appear to logged in users only: [user]This is a secret message[/user]
Contents appear to non-logged in users only: [guest]Log in to see secret message...[/guest]

I have enhanced support for the [url] and [quote] tags, and added potentially
useful css style class names in the html output of the tags, to allow for
exciting theming potential.

For example:


will render as:

<div class="bbcode-quote bbcode-quote-NAME"><strong>NAME</strong><blockquote>QUOTE</blockquote></div>

Or if NAME matches the login name of a user on the system, it will render as:

<div class="bbcode-quote bbcode-quote-user bbcode-quote-NAME"><strong>DISPLAY_NAME</strong><blockquote>QUOTE</blockquote></div>

Where DISPLAY_NAME is the display name that user. With BuddyPress installed the name
also becomes a link to their profile page, otherwise if bbPress is installed, it becomes a
link to their forum user page.


  • Post and replies with bbcode formatting.
  • What the posts look like with the plugin disabled.


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