bbPress Digest bbPress Digest

bbPress Digest

Created by: Milan Dinić

Downloaded: 6k times

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This plugin enables sending of a digests with a list of topics active on a bbPress-powered forum in the last 24 hours or 7 days.

Users are able to choose on their profile edit pages (both built-in and from bbPress) whether or not they want to receive digest, at what time of the day, at which day of the week (if they receive weekly digest), and should digest include topics from all forums or only selected ones.

It requires that cron runs regularly at least once an hour.

bbPress Digest is a very lightweight, it loads necessary files with functions only when needed.

If you are translator, you can translate it to your language and send translations to plugin’s author.


  • Example of email sent to user with list of active topics
  • User settings with subscription deselected
  • User settings with subscription selected, which includes all forums
  • User settings with subscription selected, which includes only forums chosen by user
  • User settings with subscription selected, with weekly interval enabled
  • One-click forum subscription
  • General settings


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