bbPress – Report Content bbPress – Report Content

bbPress – Report Content

Created by: Josh Eaton

Downloaded: 15k times

Give your bbPress forum users the ability to report inappropriate content or spam in topics or replies. This plugin adds a “report” admin link to topics and replies, when clicked, the topic/reply is assigned a post status of “User Reported”.

All logged-in users can report content and see that a topic has been reported, only Moderators and up can un-report the content. Integrates with the standard Topic admin screens.

When a topic is reported, a banner is shown at the top of the page indicating that the topic has been reported as inappropriate. For replies, a message is added within the reply, before the content.

Requires bbPress 2.4+.


bbPress – Report Content is fully internationalized and ready for translation:

The following translations are currently available:

New language packs, or updates to existing ones, can be sent via GitHub or by contacting me.


Active development happens on Github: PRs welcome!


  • The report link displayed in the topic admin links list.
  • Topics admin screen, showing the custom "User Reported" status.
  • Front end display of a reported topic.


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