BeachLiga Iframe

Created by: BeachLiga

Downloaded: 517 times

BeachLiga Iframe is a plugin that will let you embed an iframe – an HTML tag that allows a webpage to be displayed inline with the current page – to display your tournament or trainings located in BeachLiga in a WordPress post.


Use following tag to insert another page in post using iframe

[beachliga src="path/to/your/training/or/tournament"]


  • src: path of your training or tournament [beachliga src=”path/to/your/training/or/tournament”] (Always included
  • width: width in pixels or in percents [beachliga width=”100%” src=”path/to/your/training/or/tournament”] or [beachliga width=”640″ src=”path/to/your/training/or/tournament”] (by default width=”100%”);
  • height: height in pixels [beachliga height=”500″ src=”path/to/your/training/or/tournament”] (by default height=”500″);
  • scrolling: parameter [beachliga scrolling=”yes”] (by default scrolling=”no”);
  • frameborder: parameter [beachliga frameborder=”0″] (by default frameborder=”0″);
  • marginheight: parameter [beachliga marginheight=”0″] (removed by default);
  • marginwidth: parameter [beachliga marginwidth=”0″] (removed by default);
  • allowtransparency: allows to set transparency of the iframe [beachliga allowtransparency=”true”] (removed by default);
  • id: allows to add the id of the iframe [beachliga id=”my-custom-id”] (removed by default);
  • class: allows to add the class of the iframe [beachliga class=”my-custom-class”] (by default and always present class=”beachliga-iframe”);
  • style: allows to add the css styles of the iframe [beachliga style=”margin-left:-20px;”] (removed by default);
  • same_height_as: allows to set the height of iframe same as target element [beachliga same_height_as=”body”], [beachliga same_height_as=”div.sidebar”], [beachliga same_height_as=”div#content”]; (removed by default);
  • any_other_param: allows to add new parameter of the iframe [beachliga any_other_param=”any_value”];
  • any_other_empty_param: allows to add new empty parameter of the iframe [beachliga any_other_empty_param=””];



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