Better Content Better Content

Better Content

Created by: iamklaus

Downloaded: 730 times


  • Follow posts: users can choose for each post if they want to follow the post. Following means users get an email everytime the post is being updated or even when the post is trashed. This includes new comments on the post as well. The email includes a diff, so that the user immediately can see the changes without visiting the website.
  • Favorites posts: user can favorite each post. All favorite posts per user will be listed in a widget. This feature give your users the possibility to create their own custom menu. Additionally users can sort their favorites by drag & drop.
  • Delete posts: if the users has the capability to delete posts, he can do this on the frontend (only trashing the content, no hard delete)

Arbitrary section


  • The integration of the AJAX links into to a single post.
  • Adding a comment to a post I follow.
  • Email notification of a new comment.
  • Email showing the diff of an updated post.
  • Notifcation of a trashed post.
  • The favorites widget on the fronted.


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