Better Share Buttons Better Share Buttons

Better Share Buttons

Created by: KubiQ

Downloaded: 727 times

Easily use [better_share_buttons] shortcode anywhere you want.
Create your own styles, or choose from existing ones.
This plugin is optimized for fastest websites – it will not load any JS files and it will load CSS file only when it is needed.

This plugin allows you to:

  • create multiple social share icon styles
  • use shortcode to display share icons anywhere you want
  • create your own styles in your theme folder
  • customize basic settings directly in admin
  • use different icons for social networks


customize wrapper classes

add_filter( 'share_buttons_classes', function( $classes, $share_buttons_settings, $share_buttons_id ){
    $classes[] = 'my-custom-class';
    return $classes;
}, 10, 3 );


customize wrapper CSS output

add_filter( 'share_buttons_styles', function( $style, $share_buttons_settings, $share_buttons_id ){
    $style[] = '--my-var: 50px';
    return $style;
}, 10, 3 );


customize html form more button

add_filter( 'better_share_buttons_more', function( $html, $share_buttons_settings, $share_buttons_id ){
    // replace SVG icon path with a custom one
    $html = str_replace( 'M18 14V8h-4v6H8v4h6v6h4v-6h6v-4h-6z', 'M18.2 4.2C18.2 3 17.2 2 16 2s-2.2 1-2.2 2.2v9.7H4.2C3 13.8 2 14.8 2 16s1 2.2 2.2 2.2h9.7v9.7c0 1.2 1 2.2 2.2 2.2s2.2-1 2.2-2.2v-9.7H28c1.2 0 2.2-1 2.2-2.2s-1-2.2-2.2-2.2h-9.7V4.2z', $html );
    return $html;
}, 10, 3 );


add custom icon for any network

add_filter( 'share_buttons_icons', function( $icon, $slug, $share_buttons_settings, $share_buttons_id ){
    if( $slug == 'facebook' ){
        // add custom SVG path and you will be able to select it in admin
        $icon[] = 'M29.3 16c0-7.4-6-13.3-13.3-13.3C8.6 2.7 2.7 8.6 2.7 16c0 6.5 4.6 11.8 10.7 13.1V20h-2.7v-4h2.7v-3.3c0-2.6 2.1-4.7 4.7-4.7h3.3v4h-2.7c-.7 0-1.3.6-1.3 1.3V16h4v4h-4v9.3c6.7-.7 11.9-6.4 11.9-13.3z';
    return $icon;
}, 10, 4 );


control shared URL

add_filter( 'better_share_buttons_permalink', function( $url ){
    // ...
    return $url;


control shared title

add_filter( 'better_share_buttons_title', function( $title ){
    // ...
    return $title;


control HTML output for any network

add_filter( 'better_share_buttons_link', function( $html, $slug, $share_buttons_settings, $share_buttons_id ){
    if( $slug == 'facebook' ){
        $html = str_replace( '', '', $html );
    return $html;
}, 10, 4 );


Create your own styles

Create new folder better-share-buttons inside your theme folder and put iniside style files xyz.css and xyz.json.

Style xyz will automatically appear in the admin settings.

Content of JSON file is used to manipulate settings in admin when you select that style:

    "visible_buttons": 999,
    "bsb_mx": 0,
    "bsb_my": 0,
    "bsb_px": 5,
    "bsb_py": 5,
    "bsb_br": 0,
    "bsb_fz": 0,
    "bsb_iz": 32,
    "bsb_lls": 0,
    "bsb_lrs": 0

Content of CSS file should define your style:




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