bidorbuy Store Integrator bidorbuy Store Integrator

bidorbuy Store Integrator

Created by: bidorbuy

Downloaded: 7k times

Looking for a new place for Your Ecommerce Business?

Start to sell online with bidorbuy Store Integrator for FREE. Expose your products to the bidorbuy audience – one of the largest audiences of online shoppers in South Africa Store.

The bidorbuy Store Integrator tool allows you to get products from your online store listed on bidorbuy quickly and easily.

Product updates will be fed through to bidorbuy automatically, within 24 hours so you can be sure that your store is in sync within your bidorbuy listings. All products will appear as Buy Now listings. There is no listing fee just a small commission on successful sales. View fees. Select as many product categories to list on bidorbuy as you like. No technical requirements necessary.

To make use of this plugin, you’ll need to be an advanced seller on bidorbuy.
* Register on bidorbuy
* Apply to become an advanced seller
* Once you integrate with bidorbuy, you will be contacted by a bidorbuy representative to guide you through the process.

The plugin is developed and supported by Extreme Idea LLC. Our entire team is ready to help you. Ask your questions in the support forum, or contact us directly.


To uninstall the plugin:

  1. Log in to control panel as administrator.
  2. Go to Plugins > Installed plugins > bidorbuy Store Integrator.
  3. Deactivate the bidorbuy Store Integrator.
  4. Delete the plugin.


  1. Log in to control panel as administrator.
  2. Navigate to Settings > bidorbuy Store Integrator.
  3. Set the export criteria.
  4. Press the Save button.
  5. Press the Export button.
  6. Press the Download button.
  7. Share Export Links with “bidorbuy”.
  8. To display BAA fields on the setting page add ‘&baa=1’ to URL in address bar.

To include attribute name to product title set an appropriate checkbox to Yes:

  • For Global attributes – is configuring on attributes page (WooCoommerce > Products > Attributes page > Add new/Edit Attribute > Add this attribute to product name in bidorbuy Store Integrator tradefeed > Yes).
  • For Custom attributes – is configuring on a product page (Woo Commerce > Product > Attributes > Add this attribute to product name in bidorbuy Store Integrator tradefeed > Yes).

Note please: this feature supports WooCommerce 3.0.0 and higher!


  • <p>screenshot-1.jpg</p>
  • <p>screenshot-2.jpg</p>
  • <p>screenshot-3.jpg</p>


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