Big Boom Initialize WP

Created by: Big Boom Design

Downloaded: 1k times

Within seconds, you can turn a fresh WordPress install into a site with a basic content structure and sensible initial settings. From here, any settings and content can be changed as usual.

This plugin is not suggested for sites with existing content and structure in place, as it is meant to initialize an empty installation.


  • Initialize default pages instantly, with lorem ipsum text in place on each page

    • Home
    • About Us
    • Services
    • Blog
    • Contact
  • Initialize Categories

    • Catch-all is changed to Postings if currently set to Uncategorized
    • New categories are created
      • Testimonials
      • FAQ’s
      • Helpful Hints
  • Initialize Menu and Menu Items

    • A menu called Main Menu is created. If it already exists, the menu initialization process is terminated.
    • Menu items are created for Main Menu based on the auto-generated pages and categories above.
    • Note that you’ll need to set a Menu Location under Appearance > Menus since this depends on your theme.
  • Initialize WP core settings

    • Permalink Structure: %category%/%postname%
    • Upload folders: 0
    • Default Comment/Ping status: closed
    • Comment Moderation: 1
    • Close comments for old posts: 1
    • Close comments days old: 0
    • Show on front: page
    • Page on front: (uses ID of Home page which can be auto-generated)
    • Page for posts: (uses ID of Blog page which can be auto-generated)
  • Custom backend theme and login screen



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