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The Birttu plugin for WordPress allows you to enable one of the most complete comments systems for websites and applications. In addition, in a network system, so that a site can benefit from the entire community of commentators and the potential of traffic through the Birttu tools that are explained below.

At this moment Birttu has more than 11,000 profiles of commentators and the community grows every day as users build bridges between the sites that use Birttu and all of them are ready to comment.

Easy to install, allows the site to have a powerful comment control tool in its wordpress administrator. You can view the comments in real time, its content: text, if you share photos, Gifs, links, emoticons; the article in which the comment is made; the date and time; view the history of a commentator; access to data from commentators etc.

Also in the Configuration menu you can choose whether you want the system to be ‘open’ or with ‘previous revision’, even to apply a filter of words that, if contained, will keep the comment in ‘revision’ even if the system is open. The system allows you to establish an email to receive notifications when there are comments, options such as choosing the color of the Widget, displaying the Widget displayed or in the form of a bar, enabling or disabling options such as sharing links, photos, gifs …

Another “Speaks On / Off” menu allows you to activate or deactivate the comments Widget in a specific article

Through the Ticket menu the site to transfer any doubt, development request or incident.


The comments system allows the user, in a novel way, to share text, but also insert images, GIF, external links, Birttu emoticons, respond to other users, name others in a conversation (which increases traffic flow) , vote for or against a certain comment (Ok and Ko)

Some of the above functions can be disabled by the administrator of the site, if you consider it, from your Control Panel (Speak Panel)

The Widget contains a chronological order (time line) but you can also sort the comments by the most valued or the most penalized (Incinerator)

Birttu is designed to overcome the ‘digital barriers’ for the user, and in this way the Widget makes it possible to comment as a ‘user’ with a fast registration that only asks to choose an alias and a key to keep it in future uses, or as ‘profile’ that records more complete data. If you choose the first mode, the user does not face a time-consuming record, and preserves their privacy with an alias. To receive notifications of answers, mentions and control the flow of comments in a story where you have commented, you must then complete the profile, for which you will have to validate a greater range of information that is provided as big data to the site that Birttu uses; and that is shown in its control panel, always with previous authorization of the user when creating the alias or profile, fulfilling the RGPD.

The system is able to recognize a user as logged in, so you will not have to activate your alias and password for other comments, either in that or other URLs of the same website, or other sites that use Birttu. There is also the option to log out, obviously


In the widget you can consult the links of that same web page with the most commented news of the week, or if it is a publishing group that can be consulted in the widget other news with comments from other associated sites.

Another traffic tool is the Wall News button that contains the Widget where the last entries are referenced in real time in all the sites that use the Birttu Widget.

From the Control Panel, the administrator of a site can disable the News button on the wall, although in that case they can not be found on the rest of the websites.

Birttu is a potential traffic engine and generates the first community of profiles and interconnected users as a commentator for different sites. In there are elements that follow as reference and sites that are available in the Comments Widget. For example the Top Speak (the most commented news) that is shown on the Birttu Cover (index).

Each commentator created in any site has its profile on to control different options. It has its commentator page to modify and change the settings. In this same profile, you can also receive notifications about new comments in articles where you have commented, mentions of users to call attention to an article, also receive notifications of response to your comments, can change the profile picture, etc.




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