The Block Manager is an intuitive tool for site admins to globally remove blocks and block patterns. It also provides functionality for updating the category of individual blocks to help organize the admin editing experience.


  • Blocks: Globally disable blocks from being displayed in the Block Inserter and Block Editor.
  • Patterns: Remove unwanted block patterns with the click of a button.
  • Block Categories: Organize the Block Inserter by updating the category of each block.
  • Hooks: Use hooks to remove blocks and patterns from functions.php.
  • Search and Filter: Quickly locate blocks and patterns with the search functionality in the sidebar.
  • Embed Blocks: Choose the Embed blocks you actually want to include on your site by removing the vast majority of useless options.

Hooks & Filters

Use Block Manager hooks to controls blocks via code and sync options across multiple WordPress environments.


Use the gbm_disabled_blocks hook to remove blocks via backend code.

// functions.php
add_filter( 'gbm_disabled_blocks', function() {
    return [


Use the gbm_disabled_patterns hook to remove block patterns via backend code.

// functions.php
add_filter( 'gbm_disabled_patterns', function() {
return ['gbm/core-patterns', 'core/query-standard-posts', 'core/query-medium-posts'];


Use the gbm_block_categories hook to update block categories via backend code.

// functions.php
add_filter( 'gbm_block_categories', function() {
    return [
        [ 'block' => 'core/html', 'cat' => 'design' ],
        [ 'block' => 'core/cover', 'cat' => 'design' ],
        [ 'block' => 'core/details', 'cat' => 'design' ]


Update the minimum user role allowed to access the Block Manager plugin.

// functions.php
    'edit_theme_options' // Default: activate_plugins


  • Disable Blocks: Easily remove unwanted WordPress blocks by toggling the active state of each block.
  • Block Toggle: Disable all blocks in a block categories with a single click.
  • Block Categories: Improve the admin editing experience by updating the category of each block using the Category Switcher.
  • Disable Block Patterns: Remove unwanted block patterns and core patterns by toggling the active state of each pattern.
  • Status Reports: Total active and disabled blocks are displayed in the plugin sidebar.
  • Embed Blocks: Choose the Embed blocks you want to allow on your site and remove the majority of useless options.


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