Blocks Everywhere Blocks Everywhere

Blocks Everywhere

Created by: Automattic

Downloaded: 4k times

Switches the default WordPress editor for comments, bbPress, and BuddyPress to use Gutenberg. These can now use a richer set of editing tools, as well as having access to the full power of Gutenberg blocks.

Admin moderation is also upgraded to use Gutenberg, and blocks are processed on the front end.

For extra security the list of available blocks is determined by the allowed tags from WordPress.

Gutenberg is not bundled and instead is side-loaded from WordPress. For better compatibility you should use the plugin version of Gutenberg, which is typically several versions ahead of the one included in WordPress.

The condition of the Gutenberg replacements are:
– bbPress – good (requires bbPress 2.6+)
– comments – alright
– BuddyPress – needs a lot of work

In addition, this plugin adds a new block type “Content Embed” for the Gutenberg editor, which allows you to embed a forum topic from any bbPress site or Support page.

Blocks Everywhere is developed on Github at:


The loading of Gutenberg will also increase the page size of any page it is loaded on. You should be aware of this and willing to accept this in the context of your site.

This doesn’t yet work on block-based themes – it must be a ‘classic’ theme.

You should use the latest version of the Gutenberg plugin.


To enable Blocks Everywhere you need to add the relevant define to wp-config.php:


You can also use the WordPress filter blocks_everywhere_comments, blocks_everywhere_bbpress, and blocks_everywhere_buddypress.

To enable back-end editing in bbPress:

define( 'BLOCKS_EVERYWHERE_ADMIN', true );

Or use the filter blocks_everywhere_admin. Back-end editing is restricted to users with the manage_options capability (can be changed with the blocks_everywhere_admin_cap filter).

To enable conversion of blocks in email:

define( 'BLOCKS_EVERYWHERE_EMAIL', true );

Or use the filter blocks_everywhere_email.

To enable Gutenberg when editing bbPress forums, topics, and replies you can use:


Or use blocks_everywhere_bbpress_admin


Some settings are available through the settings object, which is filterable with blocks_everywhere_editor_settings.

allowUrlEmbed - Enable or disable auto-embed for URLs
replaceParagraphCode - Enable the custom paragraph that converts HTML and PHP code into a code block
pastePlainText - Convert all pasted content to plain text
patchEmoji - set to `true` to stop twemoji from affecting the editor
iso.allowEmbeds - List of enabled embeds
iso.blocks.allowBlocks - List of enabled blocks
iso.className - String of classes to be assigned to the editor.
iso.__experimentalOnChange - An optional callback that is triggered when the blocks are changed.
iso.__experimentalOnInput - An optional callback that is triggered when text is input.
iso.__experimentalOnSelection - An optional callback when a block is selected.<h3>Theme compatibility</h3>

Gutenberg is placed directly on the page along with your post, forum, etc. This means the contents of the editor will look like the page they will appear on. However, it also means that styles from the page may affect the editor.

We don’t have a perfect way of separating these styles and it is possible that styles from the page or from Gutenberg may affect the other. If you are using this plugin then it is expected that you will be able to fix any differences as appropriate for your site.

A theme compatibility option is provided which might help. You can use this with:


Or using the filter blocks_everywhere_theme_compat.

It provides some overrides for common theme issues. However, it is generally better not to require overrides so if you are able to modify your theme and make CSS more specific then that is the best route.

For example, rather than defining a global button style (which would then affect Gutenberg), make the style specific to the areas where a button will be used.

Using Content Embed block

Content Embed block uses REST API to fetch content to be embedded. This means that site contains bbPress topics to embed should have topic REST API enabled.

Blocks Everywhere enables topic REST API on its own, so if the site with bbPress have this plugin installed and configured, its topics can be embedded.

To enable Content Embed block in the editor, pass these settings to blocks_everywhere_editor_settings filter:

add_filter( 'blocks_everywhere_editor_settings', function( $settings ) {
    $settings['iso']['blocks']['allowBlocks'][] = 'blocks-everywhere/support-content';
    return $settings;
} );

To enable REST API for forum topics, use next filters:

add_filter( 'blocks_everywhere_admin', '__return_true' );
add_filter( 'blocks_everywhere_admin_cap', '__return_empty_string' );

REST API is only used when creating content embed and not used to view it. So blocks_everywhere_admin_cap can return specific capability to limit users who will have access to API.

In order for Content Embed block from Blocks Everywhere to load post authors, it is required to enable author data in the topic REST API. To do it, use this filter

add_action( 'bbp_get_topic_post_type_supports', function( $supports ) {
    $supports[] = 'author';
    return $supports;
} );


Gutenberg outputs HTML content and this may be affected by KSES (WordPress HTML sanitisation) and other sanitisation.

The plugin provides some modifications to this so it works fine with basic blocks. You may run into problems if you are using different blocks or have customised permission levels.


  • Gutenberg in a comment form
  • Gutenberg when editing a comment


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