Bobs Custom Login Bobs Custom Login

Bobs Custom Login

Created by: Nikolay Lubko

Downloaded: 1k times

Bobs Custom Login allows you to easily customize your admin login page according to your needs.

This plugin is compatible with all of WordPress’ built-in functionalities and logout links will still function as they should.

If no logo is uploaded, the default WordPress logo is shown.

Live preview your Login Page in the plugin settings page. No need to Log Out!


  • Responsive design
  • Custom logo
  • Background color
  • Fullscreen background image (The image will stretch to fit the page, and will automatically resize as the window size changes.)
  • Rounded or Squared form (You can change the radius of the rounded border)
  • Form label color
  • Form background color
  • Form Style (Flat or Shadowed Box)
  • Button Colors (Background & Text)
  • Hide/Show “Register – Lost your password?” links
  • Hide/Show “Back to” link
  • Message boxes left border color
  • “Register – Lost your password?” & “Back to” links colors (+ hover)
  • Live preview within the settings screen

Upgrade to the Premium Version to take advantage of new and more advanced features…

Although the free version is full-featured and can be used without any limits, the premium version provides more features:

  • Colors transparency
  • Links to external images
  • Fullscren background image or not. And controls over its position
  • Instant preview (for Custom CSS too)
  • Settings Import / Export
  • Support via dedicated forum

And don’t worry about your free version settings…
You’ll be able to retrieve them with a migration tool included in the premium version.


Donate link:


  • Settings are under the Appearance menu.
  • Custom Login Settings - Tab 1 - Logo & Background
  • Custom Login Settings - Tab 2 - Form
  • Custom Login Settings - Tab 3 - Below Form Links
  • Custom Login Settings - Tab 4 - Message Boxes
  • Custom Login Settings - Tab 5 - Preview
  • Demo Login Page #1
  • Demo Login Page #2
  • Demo Login Page #3


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